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ACS Series

Coaxial Cable Stripping Machine

ACS730 :can easily process coaxial and traxial cables with a maximum outside diameter of 7mm(0.28");ACS1250 :can easily process coaxial and traxial cables with a maximum outside diameter of 12mm(0.47"); ACS1590:can easily process coaxial and traxial cables with a maximum outside diameter of 15mm(0.59");ACS2515:can easily process coaxial and traxial cables with a maximum outside diameter of 25mm(0.98")



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Production proven mechnics,combined with state-of-the art electronics and a 3D Graphical operation interface an easy to use platfo···


Production proven mechanics, combined with state of the art electronics and a 3D Graphical operation interface an easy to use plat···


Production proven mechnics,combined with state-of-the art electronics and a 3D Graphical operation interface an easy to use platfo···